The Advantages of Grass-Fed Cows

The Advantages of Grass-Fed Cows and the great nutrients we gain when our beef is produced in an environmentally friendly manner. So, what is a grass-fed cow? It is a cow that mostly consumes grass and other natural vegetation rather than grains or processed foods. Let us dive into why this is so much better and the major issue we are seeing today.

Why Grass-Fed Cows Are Heathier for our Bodies:

The Advantages of Grass-Fed Cows

Grass-fed beef is often leaner than standard meat. Leaner cuts of meat are healthier for your heart.
Because grain-fed beef has more saturated fat than grass-fed beef, it may represent a larger risk to your heart, at least when consumed in excess. You see the advantages of grass-fed cows, is they are high in critical nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for our hearts and brains. Grass-fed beef also contains more antioxidants and vitamins than grain-fed beef.

Thankfully, we have an alternative: grass-fed meat from grass-fed cows. Grass-fed cows live their lives in a natural way, exploring for their food. Their beef is healthier than that of conventionally grown cows since they are not fed grain, antibiotics, or hormones.

Why Choose Grass Fed? The Advantages of Grass-Fed Cows:

Fortunately, a growing body of evidence indicates that, while grass-fed is growing popularity, its advantages much outweigh its appeal. Its healthier benefits its go far beyond just appeal.

1. Higher in Omega-3 Fats: Omega-3 levels in grass-fed beef have been found to be up to five times higher than in grain-fed cattle.

2. Hormone- and antibiotic-free: Cows on feedlots must consume enormous amounts of antibiotics to keep sickness to a minimal. These antibiotics are consumed when you eat meat that has been fed grains.

3. More Vitamins and Minerals Rich: Grass-fed beef is one of the most nutrient-dense proteins available on the planet. It has a substantially greater micronutrient profile than grain-fed beef. grass-fed meat has a higher concentration. It is high in vitamins B12, B3, and B6, all of which are necessary for energy production. It’s also abundant in iron, selenium, zinc, and creatine, all of which are essential for oxygenation, testosterone production, and muscular health.

4. Less Staph and Other Bacterial Contamination: Staph, e-Coli, and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria grow widely because feedlot cattle are routinely given antibiotics.

5. Healthier and happier cows: Grass-fed cows have had access to grass and a pasture throughout their lives. The meat from happy, healthy cows is also of higher quality. Grain-fed animals spend the majority of their life confined to a stall with little room to walk and no access to fresh air or sunlight.

The importance of Omega 3 in our Diet:

Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial fats since they are essential to every cell and system in your body. Omega-3 fatty acids are the heart-healthiest of all fats. Our brains are happy when they are fed Omega3. When we consume enough omega-3 fatty acids in our diet we less likely to suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease. Furthermore, less likely have a heart attack. And are less prone to suffer from depression, schizophrenia, ADD, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ultimately A Solution To Higher Quality Beef:

You can now have the peace of mind that you are feeding you and your children’s bodies beef that is free of antibiotics, hormones, and other potentially hazardous ingredients. And no longer have to worry about Beef that is grown conventionally from cows who live stressed, crowded lifestyles while being heavily medicated.

Making this change to grass-fed meat has several advantages. They are filled with Vitamins, nutrients, and a wonderful flavor. These are just a handful of the benefits to start eating grass-fed beef and a safer, healthier, and delicious alternative.

Lastly when you try this delicious Grass-Fed beef you will want to add our amazing True Fine Wine to your taste buds. It will bring magic to the delicious dinner you prepared for you and your family with so many more benefits to a Healthier you!

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